Help Us Make a Difference


In the words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, "the concept of Ubuntu—says I could not walk as a human being, I could not think as a human being, except through learning it from other human beings…We belong in this delicate network...I mean simply to say that ultimately our greatest joy is when we seek to do good for others. It is how we are made.”

While there are a lot of things happening at Memorial, our focus is dedicated to these key areas:

Dismantling Racism:

The COMING HOME program at Memorial UMC is an 18- week program that seeks to empower women who are returning to the community from incarceration and are ready to take the next step towards health and wholeness. Through restorative community, we’re able to find life through authentic and intentional relationships.


Empowering Youth:

The Memorial Brew is a brand new initiative at Memorial. In connection with other church programming, this sustainable coffee bar serves as a gathering point by which to build connections and spread the love of God one cup at a time. As a youth empowerment program, young people are recruited and trained to run the day to day operations of the coffee bar. The hope is that these leadership skills will carry into other aspects of their budding adulthood such as getting a job or preparing for greater responsibilities in other wider social contexts.   


Addressing Food Insecurity:


The FOOD FOREST is an opportunity for our community and beyond to get a taste, quite literally, of what goes into sustainable agriculture. With a mind towards being better stewards of God’s beautiful creation, this program seeks to not only teach about healthy food options but also provide a hands on growing experience of fresh fruits and veggies.

Our produce shares are offered at no cost to friend and neighbor alike. Following the motto that good food should be free.


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